Métodos de envío y retiro

Descripción del producto
Comp tipo Wabco 85 s/eng con conexiones en tapa mono agua Cummins 6CTA 8.3 bomba inyectora Volskwagen Hasta 2004 - OR SRL 24511

SELECT mg.*, mbt.type FROM mods_groups mg LEFT JOIN mods_block_types AS mbt on mg.block_type_id = mbt.id WHERE mg.group_key like 'POPUP_INICIO' AND mg.enabled = 1 AND mg.screen_type = 1 AND (IF(mbt.is_banner = 0, 1, (SELECT count(1) AS cantidad FROM banners b WHERE b.group_id = mg.id AND b.status= 1)) ) > 0



select count(1) as total from sessions where sesskey = ''